When you're trying to work and be as productive as possible, it's annoying when the environment prevents it. But unfortunately, sometimes there is nothing you can do about it. For example, computer updates, internet outages, power outages, and network downtime can sometimes interrupt your day. But that doesn't mean you should sit there on the phone and gossip or chat with other people nearby. Instead, look for ways to stay productive when you can't use your computer. 1. Revise your "to-do" list One of the things to do when you can't use your computer is to modify or create a "to-do" list. Even if your original to-do list is on your computer, you can still make a written list. After your computer is available again, check the written list against your online task list. Then just add any new content to your online listings. Using your offline time to stay productive will make work faster once your computer is accessible. To maximize your time while waiting, you can also rank your lists by importance. Then, when you're able to get back to work, you'll know what tasks come first. 2. Replace the phone Sometimes some of the work you do on your computer can be done on your phone. Let's say there's a power outage, but your phone is fully charged. You may be able to access your online calendar, website, task list, email or other applications from your phone. While it won't be as fast as using a laptop, at least you'll get some productive work done. During your computer downtime, always plan ahead as much as possible. Then, whenever a computer is available, you can go back to bigger projects that can't be done on your phone. 3.
Check your calendar If you can access the calendar from your phone, browse it and update it. You can also check upcoming events to see what's going to happen in the next day or two. Schedule appointments, cancel and make any necessary rescheduling. Then, after your computer is available again, you will be able to continue with other work. 4. Call back Calling back is another way to stay productive when you can't use your computer. Provided, of course, that you don't need to use a computer during the call. When you're on the phone, plan ahead what you're going to industry mailing list if you're on hold. It will also save time when your party goes live. 5. Reply to emails Another productive and efficient thing to do when you don't have access to a computer is answering emails. Likewise, you can access your work email from your phone. Since emails can interrupt other work, it makes sense to reply to them when your computer is unavailable. It also allows you to be more productive and efficient. What's more, once you can use your computer again, you can start over with larger projects. 6. Create a meeting agenda Are you having a meeting with someone else soon? If so, use your free time to stay productive by creating meeting agendas. Write a draft of your meeting agenda. Include all important issues that need to be discussed. Consider how long it will take to browse each topic you list. Will there be enough time?
If not, does the meeting need to be held earlier, longer or at a different time? Working on meeting agendas when you can't use your computer is a great use of your time. It allows you to make adjustments before the meeting to avoid wasting anyone's time, including your own. Social Media for Business Owners 7. Schedule social media If your business regularly posts to social media, you can use this time to schedule some time. Mobile versions of some social media posting apps allow you to post from your phone. If your computer is like this, this might be a way for you to stay productive when you can't use your computer. 8. Set goals By using your time wisely, you can stay productive even when you don't have access to your computer. For example, use your free time to set goals for yourself. The goals you set can be personal or work-related. Setting goals in both areas will help you manage your time better by pushing yourself to achieve your goals. 9. Have a planning meeting Need another idea to use downtime efficiently? Have a planning meeting with yourself. Or, if you need to discuss some work details with others, include them in the planning meeting as well. Impromptu planning meetings are just as productive as pre-arranged formal meetings. Also, since they are less formal, team members may be more willing to share thoughts and ideas. If you're planning your time, quiet time may be just what you need.
With less outside distractions, you can let your mind fly and jot down thoughts. This approach may keep your creative juices flowing. To participate in this activity, take a notebook and write down whatever comes to mind. When you're done, try organizing these thoughts and ideas into groups and see what can be accomplished. 10. Run errands When you've been working, there are often errands that get put off until you have time. But since you have time now, why not let them get in the way. Once you're back online, you'll feel accomplished and eager to leave. 11. Organize your desk Sometimes when you're working to meet a specific deadline, things get buried on your desk. Turn otherwise unproductive time into cleaning and organizing meetings. File what should be put away, put supplies where they should be, and grab cleaning supplies. Remove dust from computer screens and desks. Throw away or shred whatever needs to be disposed of. by email. Make new folders or desktop trays as you wish. Use the time to rearrange things to make them more enjoyable. Take it a step further by adding plants or pictures, repainting or wallpapering. All these activities will make your work environment cleaner and more productive. They can also help you find what you need faster in the future, increasing your productivity. 12. Listen to podcasts Sometimes in order to stay productive, it helps to get inspiration from other sources. One way is to listen to podcasts. When you don't have access to a computer, you can listen to podcasts on your phone. Pick some topics that inspire organization, time management, or other topics that interest you. As you listen, be open to new ideas that will help you improve your work and home life.