A. Business Process The type of process is generally ws number list divided into: business process, management process, reverse process and abnormal process. Some process types control the process, some control the result, some are online control, and ws number list some are offline rule constraints.
Therefore, it is necessary to clearly distinguish ws number list different process types, so that we can clearly know which ones need to be online, which need offline management, and so on. The design of the process should consider the user as the ws number list center, reduce the user's operation, reduce the complexity of the process, and achieve the user's goal with the smallest ws number list operation cost. B. Entity Abstraction The concept of entity here is different from the traditional definition of entity in the objective world.
It generally refers to a collection of certain types ws number list of things, which can be specific people and things, or abstract concepts and connections. There are multiple entities involved in the business process, and the definitions of each entity may ws number list overlap.