We love talking to our readers, so if you have the time, we'd love to connect, especially if you're a marketer working for a big brand. Job Function Email List Tweet me Michele Linn or message me on LinkedIn if you'd like to Job Function Email List be included in our reader survey. POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY When was the last time you spoke with a member of your audience - in person, over the phone, or through a survey?
Are you making assumptions about your audience and their content needs based on assumptions and old conversations, or even your personal observations? What steps can you take to Job Function Email List keep finding out about your audience? HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Need Original and Interesting Content? Unleash the Job Function Email List Power of Conversation4. Simplify podcast show notes Another way we experiment with our content is with our weekly podcast show notes.
Over 180 episodes, we're usually stuck with the same format. While the format is a great way for people to get key insights from each episode (and I think it serves as a great, skippable archive of conversations), we wanted to see if the Job Function Email List shorter version would encourage more people to listen to the podcast. . Additionally, the Job Function Email List new format requires less production time, which frees up some of the writer's time each week for other work.