The main reason is privacy based. Most Azerbaijan Mobile Phone Numbers people don't like getting calls from telemarketers, sales people, and charities looking for money which helps explain why the national Do Not Call list is so popular for residential landlines. The cellular providers Azerbaijan Mobile Phone Numbers and the federal government recognize this and have put in place rules and regulations that control who and how cell phone customer information is disseminated. This means that large free name and number directories do not exist to Azerbaijan Mobile Phone Numbers keep those who would mine the data from accessing it.
This is where the paid mobile phone directories Azerbaijan Mobile Phone Numbers come into play. They work within the frame work of the privacy regulations to provide their members access to cell phone owner and number information. They are also able to protect this data from those who Azerbaijan Mobile Phone Numbers would mine it for personal profit by hiding it behind password protection and limiting their members to only being able to search for and see one name or number at a time. Another problem that occurs with cell numbers is the amount of turnover or number changing that goes on.
People change cellular providers every Azerbaijan Mobile Phone Numbers year or two and many times get a new phone and phone number. The paid directories make a conscious effort to keep up with these changes by constantly updating their information. These sites charge a fee to Azerbaijan Mobile Phone Numbers help cover the cost of providing and updating this cellular phone data but because the demand is so great the cost is relatively minimal, usually between $20 to $40 per membership. This should include a money back guarantee Azerbaijan Mobile Phone Numbers and unlimited searches for the life of the membership.