Somewhere in the wilds of the internet, there may email list be a mythical website that converts visitors instantly. Visitors come here and can't help but dig deep to find a way to buy or get in touch. Maybe this website fountain of youth exists. But for the rest of our websites, visitors need help. They need powerful calls to action (ctas) that help them find what they're looking for and deliver what they need. Where should you put ctas on your website? What ctas do you need on your website? Which situations are appropriate for each of your ctas? That's what we're going to cover in this post.
Here are the 6 main types of ctas you will find on a great website:subscription to the cta newsletter online content updates buy ctas learn more social sharing contact form 1. Subscription to the cta newsletter website: "Sign up for our newsletter!" visitor: “hmm. Well, I get do email list zens of emails a day. I'm already on 13 newsletters that I don't read. I am visiting this website for the first time and I don't even really know what it is. Newsletter subscription ctas are an important part of a website, but they need to be done right to be effective. In other words, just saying "Subscribe to my newsletter"
is not enough. How can you make a newsletter email list subscription more appealing? One method is to use a lead magnet (which we'll discuss in more detail in a moment). Lead magnets are very effective, but sometimes it's always useful to have a general-purpose subscription form on your site. Check out this cta from andy crestodina of orbit media. Orbit media call to action source: orbit media the form itself is simple, but it uses what andy calls the three ps of email signup forms . Prominence: your form should be easy to see and find promise: