7. Other specifics Don't be afraid to be very specific about anything you feel needs to be explained. The more details you have in your brand book, the better. It might be helpful for everyone to include specific scenarios, case studies, visual aids, and examples of using different logos, images, voice tones, and colors. If you want to use a different font on different communication channels, demonstrate this in very specific font examples for body text, headings, and headings across all of those channels.
This leaves no room for interpretations and uncertainties. We've ranked the best graphic design companies. Find them here! Brand Book Examples: How 5 Great Consumer Brands Maintain Consistency Across All Their Communications Companies that have mastered the art of consistency have done so by following their very detailed brand style guides Color Correction Service on the T. Let's take a look at five such companies whose brand books stand out and bring them business success. Apple Authorized Reseller Style Guide The half-eaten apple is one of the most instantly recognizable logos in the world, but that's only a fraction of what makes this brand so memorable. The Apple Brand Guidelines are designed for internal use and for use by companies that promote Apple, to "reap the benefits of Apple's identity and contribute to its strength.